Eating a healthy, balanced diet fuels both your body and your brain as you grow. This is important for both your physical and mental health!

Why is healthy eating important?

  • Food is fuel – eating well helps keep up your energy levels
  • A healthy diet helps keep your body healthy, including staying at a healthy body weight for you
  • Eating well can help you focus and concentrate 
bowl of fruit and museli

Eating well is sometimes easier said than done. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  1. Eat three meals a day with snacks as needed – try not to skip breakfast!
  2. Try to eat five portions of fruit and veg every day
  3. Drink lots of water – aim for 6-8 glasses a day to stay hydrated
  4. Try to eat a mixture of different food groups in each meal to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need
  5. Swap sugary snacks for energy boosters like nuts or fruit

Find out more here about healthy eating for young people.

Make sure to speak to someone you trust, such as a family member or your GP, before making any changes to your eating.

Sometimes you may be choosing what you eat and other times someone else may be choosing for you.

Look at our page on starting conversations to talk about healthy eating with those around you. Eating well as a family is much easier than doing it alone – and it could help them feel better too!

Worries or problems with eating

Does eating or thinking about food make you feel anxious, upset or guilty?

Problems with eating and food can be serious – go to our page on feeling worried about eating for more information.

Talk to someone you trust to see if you need more support.